Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Wedding Posters

Here are the finished posters for my upcoming wedding, we are having it in the local movie theater where I worked and we had our first date. It was opened in 1938 so we are having a 1930 movie themed wedding. This includes replacing all the posters in the lobby and outside with our "movie" poster. Had a lot of fun, watercolor and tried to hit the style of the time while maintaining a soft touch like my lady wanted.



Francesco Francavilla said...

That's great great news! :)
And these are awesome drawings and a very clever idea :D

Proud of you, my friend :)


Drake said...

Francesco, You do not know how much your comment means to me, I love your work and you have been a true inspiration to me. Thank you. Hopefully one day I can meet you in person, I would love to shake your hand and say thanks.
